Different Hearing Aids
While today there are many types of hearing aids to help all of those who have hearing related issues, the amount and varitiy of hearing aids can prove overwelming. In this article, we will look at several kinds of hearing aids and hopefully you can find the right fit for you.
In-the-Ear(ITE) Hearing Aids
There are three main types of ITE hearing aids, the invisible/completely in canal(IIC/CIC) aids, in the canal(ITC) aids, and low profile aids. All of them have distinct advantages.
For IICs/CICs the advantages include very discreet, and good sound quality.
For ITCs the advantages include discreet, and longer battery life compared to IICs/CICs.
For low profile the advantages include easier handling, accommodates for features, and likely to have wireless connectivity.
The disadvantages that you must consider for ITE hearing aids vary between types.
For IICs/CICs the disadvantages are susceptible to moisture damage, small size, and limited connectivity
For ITCs, the disadvantages include more occlusion, susceptible to moisture and wax damage, and small size that may limit connectivity
For low profile, the disadvantages include, less discrete than other ITE hearing aids and more occlusion.
Behind-the-Ear(BTE) Hearing Aids
There are two main types of behind the ear hearing aids, receiver in the ear(RITE) aids and behind the ear with ear mold aids. Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages.
For RITEs, the advantages include easy to find options, likely to come with wireless connectivity to personal electronics, likely to have advanced technology like AI, and the speaker can be replaced separately.
For ear molds, the advantages include fits all types of hearing loss, likely to have wireless connectivity to electronics, likely to have advanced technology like AI, and less susceptible to moisture damage.
The disadvantages that you must consider for behind the ear hearing aids vary between types.
For RITEs, the disadvantages include smaller size, susceptible to moisture and wax damage, and microphone and sound processor visible
For ear molds, the disadvantages include more occlusion, space limitations for things like glasses, and not cosmetically hidden